

所属类别 75毫克/胶囊, 100胶囊/瓶

包装规格 75毫克/胶囊, 100胶囊/瓶


生产厂家英文名Ligand Pharmaceuticals

原产地英文商品名TARGRETIN  100 x 75mg

原产地英文药品名bexarotene capsules中文参考商品译名TARGRETIN 75毫克/胶囊, 100胶囊/瓶中文参考药品译名蓓萨罗丁


Targretin (Cephalon)[bexaroteen]caps.100 x 75mg(leukopenie, hyperlipidemie, hypothyreose, huidreacties, hoofdpijn, inductor van CYP2C9 en CYP3A4【商品名】Targretin





【药理作用】本品可选择性地结合并激活视黄酸类(retinoid)X受体亚型(RXRα,RXRβ,RXRγ)。RXR可与多种受体[如维A酸受体(RAR)、维生素D受体、甲状腺素受体,以及过氧化物酶体增生物激活受体(PPAR)]形成异二聚体。这些受体一旦被激活可控制基因的表达,控制细胞分化和增生。在体外试验中,本品可抑制某些肿瘤细胞系的生长;在动物模型体内试验中,本品可诱使乳腺瘤消退。本品口服后,约2小时达血浆峰浓度,半衰期约为7小时。含脂食物可增加本品吸收,较之葡萄糖溶液,含脂食物可使300mg本品的AUC及Cmax分别上升35%和48%;本品可与血浆蛋白高度结合(99%)。在血浆中能测得本品的四种代谢产物:6-和7-羟基bexarotene以及6-和7-氧代bexarotene。体外试验显示细胞色素P450 3A4是对氧化产物形成及氧化产物葡糖醛酸化起主要作用的酶。经对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者进行本品及本品代谢物肾消除过程的检测,目前认为本品主要大部分随胆汁消除,基本不随尿液排出。



【注意事项】本品可对胎儿造成伤害,故孕妇禁用。在动物试验中本品可致睾丸萎缩。本品理论上与P450 3A4诱导剂或抑制剂可发生相互作用;已发现经P450 3A4代谢的吉非贝齐(gemfibrozil)可升高本品血浆浓度,这至少部分归因于吉非贝剂能抑制细胞色素P4503A4;本品与胰岛素、磺酰脲类、二甲双胍、曹格列奈或噻唑烷二酮(格列酮)类药物合用时可致低血糖。由于本品是一种VA衍生物,与VA合用可增加药物的毒性作用。对bexarotene或该产品的其他成分过敏者禁用。


【剂型规格】本品为75mg口服明胶软胶囊制剂;软膏药100 x 75mg/盒TARGRETIN胶囊。


Generic Name for TARGRETINBexarotene 75mg; caps.Legal Classification:RxPharmacological Class for TARGRETINRetinoid.Manufacturer of TARGRETINEisai PharmaceuticalsIndications for TARGRETINCutaneous manifestations of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in patients who are refractory to at least one prior systemic therapy.Adult dose for TARGRETINTake with food. Initially 300mg/m2 once daily; may increase after 8 weeks to 400mg/m2 once daily if no tumor response and if well tolerated; monitor carefully. If toxicity occurs, reduce to 200mg/m2 then 100mg/m2 once daily, or suspend therapy.Children’s dosing for TARGRETINNot recommended.Contraindications for TARGRETINPregnancy (Cat.X).Warnings/Precautions for TARGRETINBe fully familiar with this drug’s toxicity before use. Pancreatitis or risk of pancreatitis (eg, history of pancreatitis, uncontrolled hyperlipidemia, excess alcohol consumption, uncontrolled diabetes, biliary tract disease, drugs that can cause pancreatitis). Counsel patients monthly about need for contraception. Women of childbearing potential: obtain reliable negative pregnancy test within 1 week of start; repeat monthly. Start therapy on 2nd or 3rd day of normal menstrual period. Use two effective forms of contraception 1 month prior to, during, and for 1 month after therapy. Max 1 month/℞. Men with partners who are or may become pregnant: use condoms during and for at least 1 month after therapy. Monitor lipids before treatment, weekly until stable, then every 8 weeks; try to keep triglycerides <400mg/dL; treat hyperlipidemia, or reduce or suspend bexarotene if needed. Hepatic or renal insufficiency. Monitor liver function at baseline, 1, 2, and 4 weeks after start, then (if stable) at least every 8 weeks during therapy; consider suspending or discontinuing treatment if SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT, or bilirubin >3xULN occurs. Monitor WBC with differential and thyroid function at baseline and during treatment; treat hypothyroidism if needed. Avoid sun and UV light. Nursing mothers: not recommended.Interactions for TARGRETINConcomitant gemfibrozil: not recommended. Levels may be increased by CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin, grapefruit juice). Levels may be reduced by CYP3A4 inducers (eg, rifampin, phenobarbital, phenytoin). May potentiate antihyperglycemics (eg, insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones); monitor. May potentiate or be potentiated by protein-bound drugs. May antagonize tamoxifen, hormonal contraceptives, other CYP3A4 substrates. Limit Vit. A supplements to avoid toxicity. May increase CA125 assay values.Adverse Reactions for TARGRETINLipid abnormalities, headache, hypothyroidism, asthenia, leukopenia, anemia, rash, GI disturbances, peripheral edema, dry skin, exfoliative dermatitis, alopecia, insomnia, fatigue, abnormal liver function tests, pancreatitis, pruritus, photosensitivity.How is TARGRETIN supplied?Caps—100Related Disease:Lymphoma, cutaneous T-cell.
